
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Max's Special Chilean Sea Bass

With about one week until we leave for our destination wedding and honeymoon, Max and I are spending a lot of time at home, watching our waistlines and handling last minute details.  We're going to be in Mexico for almost a week before the big day, so we are really trying to be on our best behavior before departure so we can handle a couple of "oops, I had a taco and washed it down with a beer" pounds.

Tonight, Max made his famous Chilean Sea Bass.  He starts by warming butter (grass-fed, of course) and olive oil in a skillet and then adding chopped onions.
When the pan is heated, he adds a nice piece of fish, pressed garlic, salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon. 
He puts the lid on and cooks about half-way through (about 6 or 7 minutes but will vary depending on the thickness of the fish) before flipping.  He says you have to be sure to get the saute mixture under the fish after flipping.  
Then continue cooking until just cooked through and flaky.
 We served it with some roasted Brussels sprouts.  

p.s. I apologize in advance if this little blog is neglected for about a month.

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazingly delicious! And so excited for you guys!


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