
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jicama "Tacos" with Grilled Shrimp and Avocado

Several weeks back, during a lovely "girls' weekend" the conversation at one point turned, of course, to food (well, yes, we also discussed sex, sig others and body parts we hate, but this is a food blog people!).  My girlfriend was describing a recent food festival she'd attended and said that the most surprisingly delectable item she consumed was a shrimp taco with a jicama "taco shell".  I immediately thought, "What a wonderfully creative, Gundry-friendly dish!  I can make those."  I didn't get a lot of details from my girlfriend, but I thought avocado and a simple cilantro salsa would go perfectly with shrimp and jicama.   Here's what to do:

First, make the salsa:
1 jalapeno, seeded
1/2 onion, coarsely chopped
Small handful of cilantro
Juice of 1/2 lime
Sea salt
Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until well mixed, but still lightly chunky.  Set aside.
Heat grill to high heat.  Next, toss shrimp, (preferrably wild caught) in extra-virgin olive oil, sea salt and chili powder.  Let marinate for a few minutes while you cut the jicama and avocado.  Slice the jicama thinly enough that it bends without snapping.  I found it was easiest to use a mandoline.  Also cut thin slices of avocado.
Thread shrimp on skewers leaving a little space in between each shrimp for even cooking.  Place directly over heat and grill, turning once, until just opaque, 3 or 4 minutes total.  Sprinkle with cilantro if desired.
To assemble the tacos, place jicama slices on a plate, top with shrimp, a slice of avocado and a spoonful of salsa.  Drizzle with a good-quality extra-virgin olive oil.
I served with a simple salad of romaine, radishes and a homemade caesar dressing (recipe below).
Caesar Dressing
1 hard-boiled egg
1 Tablespoon dijon
1 clove garlic
1 small cube parmesan cheese
Place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until combined.  Drizzle in extra-virgin olive oil until desired consistency is achieved.  Season with sea salt to taste.  Thin with water if desired.


  1. looks delicious lady! can't wait to try it!

  2. This dressing is AMAZINGLY good! I added cracked black pepper too!
