
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kale Salad - Sort of Obsessed

For the past few months I've been sort of obsessed with kale.  While Max and I often enjoy kale roasted, I've been eating a ton of raw kale salad.  Kale is pretty much a super food, full of vitamins, antioxidants and goodness.  When I found a pre-chopped kale salad with cabbage and carrots at Whole Foods, I immediately snatched up a bag.  I loved it so much, I now go through about five bags a week. 
The recipe on the back of the bag recommends dressing the salad with extra-virgin olive oil, vinegar, toasted sesame oil, sesame seeds, sugar, salt and pepper.  I followed directions the first time (sans the sugar, of course).
But, at this point, I just empty the bag of kale salad into a large mixing bowl, drizzle with a healthy amount of extra-virgin olive oil, splash with several dabs of rice vinegar (make sure to get unseasoned - it has less sugar), sprinkle with sea salt and dribble with just a little bit of toasted sesame oil and then toss to coat all the leaves.

The key is to let it sit for at least 30 minutes to let the leaves soften a bit.  I often mix the salad the night before I eat it. Mixed, raw kale salad will hold up for several days in the fridge.
For a super easy, full meal, I like to eat kale salad with a couple of chopped up hard-boiled eggs.


  1. I have to try this one! Rick's sis makes an amazing home made kale salad that I tried on Thanksgiving, and I find myself craving it sometimes. This is an easy alternative!

    Thanks! T xx

    November Grey & Secondhand Star

  2. So great when our cravings are for uber healthy, super foods! Eat to your heart's content!
