
Monday, July 12, 2010

Breaking in the New Digs

I've got the kitchen unpacked!  While we are far from settled (there are boxes everywhere!) and leaving the Country in two days (we're headed to Playa del Carmen to scout out a venue for our February 2011 destination wedding), I decided it was time to take the new kitchen for a test drive.  In the interest of keeping my attention on unpacking, I kept it simple: roasted brussels and sausages with sauted onions and peppers.

Simply trim off the end and slice in half.  Throw the halves on a cookie sheet and toss in olive oil and salt and pepper. Roast in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes to an hour until tender and browned.
Slice peppers and onions thinly.  Heat olive oil in a large saute pan, add veggies and stir for a few minutes to coat with oil.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Turn heat down and cook low and slow while the brussels roast.  Stir from time to time to make sure you're not burning anything (deep brown onions are yummy, black ones, not so much).  Add oil, adjust temperature or remove from heat as needed.
I bought already cooked sausages so they just needed to be heated.  Heat in a saute pan with a bit of spray or oil or grill on the bbq.  Cook until heated through and browned.
Serve the sausage topped with the peppers and onions or if you're in the mood for a ball-park-style treat, you can throw it in a low-carb tortilla and top it all with some spicy mustard.


  1. Boxes. Yeah, boxes. I can relate!

    PS - I added you as one of my top ten favorite blogs for "I heart blogs" day.

    Stop by when you can...

    Thanks for inspiring!


    November Grey hearts blogs

  2. Thanks to Dr G I now eat brussel sprouts! Love them!
